Jobs and Skills
Job Center of Wisconsin
Job Centers have resources for job seekers and employers. Find a Job Center in your county to get started.
Create or Update a Resume
Create a free account with the Job Center of Wisconsin website to build and revise your resume and electronically submit it to employers.
Skill Explorer
Connect to employment opportunities based on your skills rather than on job titles.
Search for Wisconsin Jobs
Use the Job Center of Wisconsin website search tool.
Job Seeker Resources
Choose from one of the five topic headings: look for jobs, plan a career, wages and occupations, training and education, other assistance.
Labor Market Information
Read reports, projections, and trends in Wisconsin’s job market.
Training and Education
Find information about apprenticeships, training programs, Wisconsin colleges and universities, financial aid, and more.
Featured Industries
Research Wisconsin’s diverse industries, and find information on wages, trends, and other subjects.
Job Search Engines
- Job Center of Wisconsin: Create a free account with the Job Center of Wisconsin website to build and revise your resume and electronically submit it to employers.
- Officially, we’re a global, end-to-end human capital solutions company. But, that just means that we combine the best in advertising, software and services to help companies find, hire and manage great talent.
- Indeed helps companies of all sizes hire the best talent and offers the best opportunity for job seekers to get hired.
- Monster is a global online employment solution for people seeking jobs and the employers who need great people.
- USAJobs: USAJOBS connects job seekers with federal employment opportunities across the United States and around the world.
Basic Computer Skills
- Basic Computer Skills MOOC (Wisc Online): From Wisconsin Technical College System
- For those who need the basics or specific help needs like an introduction to social media. This covers practicing using a mouse all the way to protecting your information online and using social media and email.
- Microsoft Office Training Center: Get going quickly and easily with Office 365 video training for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive, SharePoint, Microsoft Teams and more.
Resume and CV Resources
More Resources
Job Seeker: Search the services offered in Wisconsin Job Center locations around the state. Or, choose from one of the five topic headings listed. To begin or complete a job search, return to the secure logon page.
Department of Workforce Development: WI Unemployment Insurance
GED or HSED: Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) provides many opportunities for community members to receive resources and support at no cost, in person or online. Study for and earn your GED/HSED and improve your English language learning skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening from anywhere.
Get your online MBA: is a comprehensive resource for professionals seeking a master’s degree in business administration. There are state specific resources exploring the MBA and business landscape in each state to advise individuals on their options by location.
For more resources visit the MORE Research page.

Stop in and get the help you need! A CVTC instructor will be available at the Library to help you work on earning your GED or HSED.
Summer 2023: July 11 & 25 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Fall 2023: a CVTC instructor will be available weekly. Date/time TBD.
Want an online option?
Work with CVTC instructors to prepare for the GED or HSED tests over the phone or using Zoom. For more information, contact CVTC Adult Education & College Prep at 715-833-6400 or

English Language Learning Classes
Do you need help learning English? Enroll in CVTC’s English Language Learning classes to gain new skills. All immigrants are served, citizenship is not required.
Beginning, intermediate and advanced English skills are taught to adults whose native language is not English.
FREE to ages 18+.
Classes available at: Eau Claire, Menomonie and River Falls. Find out more.
Online option: Contact CVTC at 715-831-7278 or